VisiLibity v1 Source Code 1.0
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NVisiLibityVisiLibity's sole namespace
 CAngleAngle in radians represented by a value in the interval [0,2*M_PI]
 CBounding_BoxRectangle with sides parallel to the x- and y-axes
 CEnvironmentEnvironment represented by simple polygonal outer boundary with simple polygonal holes
 CGuardsSet of Guards represented by a list of Points
 CLine_SegmentLine segment in the plane represented by its endpoints
 CPointPoint in the plane represented by Cartesian coordinates
 CPolar_PointPoint in the plane packaged together with polar coordinates w.r.t. specified origin
 CPolygonSimple polygon in the plane represented by list of vertices
 CPolylineOriented polyline in the plane represented by list of vertices
 CRayRay in the plane represented by base Point and bearing Angle
 CShortest_Path_TestUtilities for writing shortest path VisiLibity unit tests
 CUnit_TestUtilities for writing VisiLibity unit tests
 CVisibility_GraphVisibility graph of points in an Environment, represented by adjacency matrix
 CVisibility_PolygonVisibility polygon of a Point in an Environment or Polygon