| Polar_Point () |
| default More...
| Polar_Point (const Point &polar_origin_temp, const Point &point_temp, double epsilon=0.0) |
| construct from (Cartesian) Points More...
Point | polar_origin () const |
| origin of the polar coordinate system in which the point is represented
double | range () const |
Angle | bearing () const |
| bearing from polar origin w.r.t. direction parallel to x-axis
void | set_polar_origin (const Point &polar_origin_temp) |
| set the origin of the polar coordinate system More...
void | set_x (double x_temp) |
| set x More...
void | set_y (double y_temp) |
| set y More...
void | set_range (double range_temp) |
| set range More...
void | set_bearing (const Angle &bearing_temp) |
| set bearing More...
void | set_bearing_to_2pi () |
| set bearing Angle data to 2*M_PI More...
| Point () |
| default More...
| Point (double x_temp, double y_temp) |
| costruct from raw coordinates
double | x () const |
| get x coordinate
double | y () const |
| get y coordinate
Point | projection_onto (const Line_Segment &line_segment_temp) const |
| closest Point on line_segment_temp More...
Point | projection_onto (const Ray &ray_temp) const |
| closest Point on ray_temp More...
Point | projection_onto (const Polyline &polyline_temp) const |
| closest Point on polyline_temp More...
Point | projection_onto_vertices_of (const Polygon &polygon_temp) const |
| closest vertex of polygon_temp More...
Point | projection_onto_vertices_of (const Environment &enviroment_temp) const |
| closest vertex of environment_temp More...
Point | projection_onto_boundary_of (const Polygon &polygon_temp) const |
| closest Point on boundary of polygon_temp More...
Point | projection_onto_boundary_of (const Environment &enviroment_temp) const |
| closest Point on boundary of environment_temp More...
bool | on_boundary_of (const Polygon &polygon_temp, double epsilon=0.0) const |
| true iff w/in epsilon of boundary of polygon_temp More...
bool | on_boundary_of (const Environment &environment_temp, double epsilon=0.0) const |
| true iff w/in epsilon of boundary of environment_temp More...
bool | in (const Line_Segment &line_segment_temp, double epsilon=0.0) const |
| true iff w/in epsilon of line_segment_temp More...
bool | in_relative_interior_of (const Line_Segment &line_segment_temp, double epsilon=0.0) const |
| true iff w/in epsilon of interior but greater than espilon away from endpoints of line_segment_temp More...
bool | in (const Polygon &polygon_temp, double epsilon=0.0) const |
| true iff w/in epsilon of polygon_temp More...
bool | in (const Environment &environment_temp, double epsilon=0.0) const |
| true iff w/in epsilon of environment_temp More...
bool | is_endpoint_of (const Line_Segment &line_segment_temp, double epsilon=0.0) const |
| true iff w/in epsilon of some endpoint of line_segment_temp More...
void | set_x (double x_temp) |
| change x coordinate
void | set_y (double y_temp) |
| change y coordinate
void | snap_to_vertices_of (const Polygon &polygon_temp, double epsilon=0.0) |
| relocate to closest vertex if w/in epsilon of some vertex (of polygon_temp) More...
void | snap_to_vertices_of (const Environment &environment_temp, double epsilon=0.0) |
| relocate to closest vertex if w/in epsilon of some vertex (of environment_temp) More...
void | snap_to_boundary_of (const Polygon &polygon_temp, double epsilon=0.0) |
| relocate to closest Point on boundary if w/in epsilon of the boundary (of polygon_temp) More...
void | snap_to_boundary_of (const Environment &environment_temp, double epsilon=0.0) |
| relocate to closest Point on boundary if w/in epsilon of the boundary (of environment_temp) More...
Point in the plane packaged together with polar coordinates w.r.t. specified origin.
The origin of the polar coordinate system is stored with the Polar_Point (in polar_origin_) and bearing is measured ccw from the positive x-axis.